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Our ultimate goal is to help primate rehabilitation centres to raise the survival rate of rehabilitated and released animals observed after a year to 80%. We plan to achieve this in three complementary ways as described below.


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Wild&Free assesses the presence of primate rehabilitation centres around the world, looking specifically at those who rehabilitate and reintroduce , attempt to reintroduce,  plan to reintroduce or cannot reintroduce primates back to their native habitat. Most rehabilitation centres act in silo and are not connected with each other, thus unable to share their knowledge of their success and failures and thereby learn from each other.

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We carefully select our projects and support a number of rehabilitation centres by fundraising for them. 100% of donations made to  projects are transferred to the beneficiaries.

When you donate to the charity in general and not specifically to a project, we choose how to best use your donation: for a project or any needs we have to to run the charity such as specific resources, events, education and low expenses. 

> check all our projects

We raise awareness to the public about the causes that bring animals to rehabilitation centres in the first place such as wildlife trade, habitat destruction, poaching, cruelty. We want to educate and inspire the public, especially the younger generation to respect wildlife in the wild and support the charity in its goal.

We also aim to make the best use of technology as an ethical and alternative viewing of wildlife in their natural habitat.

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Geraldine's blog (coming soon)

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